Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Flowered Grannysquare

The *LOvEly* Flowered Grannysquare
Here it is kids... The best friking blanket ever (btw I dont call them afghans because that reminds me of old cold people in wheelchairs who smoke- dunno why). Here's how you make your beautiful garden into a blanket!
Turn over your flower. It's okay it's not dirty or anything. Just look at how the back is put together between the petals. See that "V"? Well, you should. With the color you'd like to use for your granny square, st st behind the V. For this first round, you'll be working behind the flower. Like putting on the petals. Kind of.

Round 1: ch 7. *sl st into not the next V, but the next one. (Two V's over.) ch 7. Repeat * and sl st into the original V.
Round 2: With front of flower facing you, Ch3, 3dc in loop (the big ch7 one you just made) to the left of the V. Ch2 4dc in same loop. *Dont chain right here. Just 4dc into next big loop. Ch2, 4dc into same loop. Repeat * in the next two loops. Join, without any ch's, into the 3rd of the ch3 at the beginning of this round.
Round 3: sl st back one stitch and ch3. 3dc into the hole between the two dc4's from rnd2. *Ch2, 4dc into the next gap between the next two 4dc's from rnd 2. Ch 2 and 4dc into SAME gap. ch2 and 4dc into next gap. Repeat *2 times. ch2 and 4dc into next gap. ch2 and 4dc into SAME gap.
Round 4: same as rnd 3, except allow for the extra 4dc.
Round 5: Well, I suppose you could stop here, but I like to do another round. That way, there's less to do to make a bigger blanket. This round, should you choose to do it, is the same as rnd3 except allow for the 2 extra 4dc.
Round 6: -outline- Personally, I like to use a nice white. With you new color, st st into any stitch. sc around, adding another 2 at the corners. Join and tie off.

Baby Flower Headband w/ Booties

Baby Flower Headband w/ Booties

Take any flower you've made. Now, for a matching band to make it... are you ready? a headband! Ch Aprox 50 and join. This'll be good for a newborn. Add or subtract at this point to decide how big around the headband will be.
Round 1: sc into ea st.
Round 2-3: hdc into ea st.
Round 4: sc into ea st.

Sew on the flower using the same color yarn as the middle of your flower. It kinda helps if you use the same color for the headband as you used for the flower middle. Anyhow, the booties....
Of all the things I have EVER done with a crochet hook, baby booties are the worst, most frustrating, confusing things ever. Now that you're all excited for it... let me tell you. The first time I tried this... it did not look like a baby bootie. It looked like a mental patient had gotten a hold of the yarn and knotted it up for an hour. The second was a little better. The third was good enough to put on a baby who didnt know and didnt care what they looked like. When your done with one monstrosity, it feels joyous... until you realize that babies have (hopefully) TWO feet. I used this here pattern. Good luck.
PS If you go a-hunting for any other baby bootie pattern you enjoy, let me know how it turns out!

Round Hobo Bag

Round Hobo Bag
This bag is especially great if you have a lot of colors to use up. I actually saw these in the department stores and I decided to make them. It's super duper easy, and once you get the hang if it, it's simple to change it up.
For this, we will start with the bottom. Ch3, and join to form a circle.
Round 1: Ch2 and 9hdc into the main hole.
Round 2: Do not sl st into the the ch2. Instead, continue to hdc around, putting 2hdc in ea st. This looks really good if you just hdc into the outside hole instead of the whole st. Okay, so if you dont get what I'm talking about, this should explain. Anyways,
Round 3: Continue to do this around, and once you've completed aproximately one and a half times around, change it up and *2hdc in the first st, then one hdc in the next. Repeat * around.
Round 4 and beyond: Once you've gotten about one and a half times around, change it to *2hdc in first stitch, 1hdc in next 2 sts.
Continue to increase the number of stitches with a single hdc as you see fit. Do this until you've reached as big as you'd like the bottom of your hobo bag to be.
Switch colors if you'd like.
Round 5: Now we're adding onto the sides. Please do the fire stitch I so aptly described for you. Doing that stitch is really important for the bag to lay right. Otherwise, the bottom flows into your sides and it's really just all over the place. This just lets the bag know "Hey... this is where the bottom ends and the sides begin, okay?" Anyways, ch3 and fire stitch around using a dc. Just put one dc into each st. You may be able to sneak a few extra in there if you like your bag to look roundish instead of cylinderish. When you're done going around, st st into the 3rd of the ch3.
Round 6-14: Repeat Rnd 5, but, do NOT use the fire stitch. It confuses your bag and that's just mean. Ch3 and do a regular dc into each st.
-Note- If your bag is not tall enough for you, feel free to add some more rounds to it right now. Otherwise, we'll be moving on to where we'll lace the cinch strings in.
Round 15: *3dc, ch1. Repeat *around. If it is uneven, do 2 sets of 2 in the very front.
Round 16: *1sc, 1dc into same stitch. 1dc, isc into next st. sl st next st. Repeat *around.
For the drawstring, it's easy to just make a chain and weave it through the holes made on round 15. For the strap, you can braid or make a crochet one by making a chain for as long as you'd like your strap to be, *ch1, turn and hdc or dc into each st. Repeat * until it's as thick as you'd like it.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Frog Beenie

For the beginning of the beanie, I used Janet's wonderful pattern.
However, after doing that once, I got incredibly bored. It looks absolutely wonderful, but if you're not too picky, I changed it up a bit. This just makes it go a lot faster.
Hat: With green, ch3 and join to form a circle.
Round 1: Ch 2, 10 hdc in the main hole.
Round 2: Ch2, hdc in same space. 2hdc in each of the next stiches.
Round 3: Ch2, hdc in the same st. *1hdc in next st and 2hdc in next st. Repeat * around. And join with a sl st.
Round 4: Ch2, hdc in same st. *1hdc in next 2 sts. 2hdc in next st. Repeat * around.
Round 5-7: Same as Rnd4, except increase the 1hdc by one st.
Round 8-9: hdc in each of the sts around.
Round 1: ch1, turn 11hdc. ch1, turn.
Round 2: Skip the first st. 8 hdc, skip one st, hdc in next (last) st. Ch1 turn.
Round 3: Same as Rnd2, except change the 8hdc to a 6hdc.
Round 4: Same as Rnd2, except change the 8hdc to a 4hdc.
Round 5: Same as Rnd2, except change the 8hdc to a 2hdc. Tie Off.
Repeat on other side, just count your stitches to make sure that the earflaps are even. All you have to do is count the number of stitches around, subtract 22, then divide by 2. That's the distance (in sts) from one earflap to the other.

Like Janet, I used a darker green to outline the hat and made braids for the earflaps. Her way is very easy and I really liked how it turned out.

For the eyes, I used a different approach than Janet, although, if you do it her way, let me know how it turns out! I've been debating for a while now.
Eyes: With green, Ch3 and join to form a circle.
Round 1: Ch2, 10hdc in the main hole. Sl st into 2nd of the ch2 in the beginning of this round.
Round 2: Ch2, hdc in same st. 2hdc in each of the hdc's from round 2. Join with a sl st into the 2nd of the the ch2 in the beginning of this round. Tie off with a long tail.

With white, ch3 and join to form a circle.
Round 1: Ch3, 10dc in the main hole. Join with a sl st into the 3rd of the ch3 in the beginning of this round. Tie off with a long tail. Use that tail to sew onto the green circle once you've sewn the button eyes on.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Basic Flower (8 Petal)

The Basic Flower
  • Ch 5 and join with a sl st to form a circle.
  • 1st round: Ch1, work 15 sc into the main circle. Sl St into first ch
  • 2nd round: Ch5. *skip 1sc, 1 dc into the next sc, ch2. Repeat * 8 more times. Join with a sl st into the 3rd of the first 5ch.
-This is the middle of the flower. You should have 8 spokes. Change colors for the petals.-
  • 3rd round: Join the new color with a sl st into first chain loop. Ch2, and into the same chain loop, 7dc, 1sc. *Into next chain loop, 1sc, 8dc, 1sc. Repeat * around.
-This should make you 8 petals. If you don't have 8 petals, something went wrong.-
4th round: You will work behind he petals you just made. In the back, between two petals, you will see a "V". Sl st onto that V between two petals. Ch4, *1sc between next two petals, ch3. Repeat * around and join with a sl st into first ch.
5th round: Sl st into the loop to the right. (The loop you just made). Work 1sc, 10dc, 1sc into each chain loop around. Join with a sl st.
You can easily make another row of petals by repeating the 4th and 5th rounds. Adjust by adding 1 more ch in each step of the 4th round and 12 instead of 10 dc in the fifth round.

If your flower looks like crap, don't feel bad. It takes a few flowers to get the flow down and then they'll start popping out all nice-looking. They always look like poo in the beginning.


My Very First Post!

Due to recent demand for my pretty bomb crochet patterns/craft-shizznizz-knowhow, I'm making this blog, which, I have to say, has a pretty awesome name. Came up with it in like 5 seconds (be impressed). ANYWAYS, I'll be posting at completely irregular intervals, based on only how much free time/patience I have (or want to appear to have). I have done most of these patterns a long time ago, just long enough to forget them, actually, so there may be some corrections along the way. If you have a particular request, lemmie know.