Take any flower you've made. Now, for a matching band to make it... are you ready? a headband! Ch Aprox 50 and join. This'll be good for a newborn. Add or subtract at this point to decide how big around the headband will be.
Round 1: sc into ea st.
Round 2-3: hdc into ea st.
Round 4: sc into ea st.
Sew on the flower using the same color yarn as the middle of your flower. It kinda helps if you use the same color for the headband as you used for the flower middle. Anyhow, the booties....
Of all the things I have EVER done with a crochet hook, baby booties are the worst, most frustrating, confusing things ever. Now that you're all excited for it... let me tell you. The first time I tried this... it did not look like a baby bootie. It looked like a mental patient had gotten a hold of the yarn and knotted it up for an hour. The second was a little better. The third was good enough to put on a baby who didnt know and didnt care what they looked like. When your done with one monstrosity, it feels joyous... until you realize that babies have (hopefully) TWO feet. I used this here pattern. Good luck.
PS If you go a-hunting for any other baby bootie pattern you enjoy, let me know how it turns out!
I know how you feel about the booties. I'm making mittens for my daughter's birthday, and I'm just about done with the first one, and although it's really cute, I really have hated working on it and I don't look forward to making the second one.
ReplyDeleteJen Doyle